Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Monday, September 5th 2005

I woke up at 10am on this Labor Day. I relaxed in the morning, reading the news at a liesurely pace and enjoying a large breakfast. I let my food digest and then went over to NYSC for a heavy back day. It took me roughly an hour to finish after which point I returned home and showered.

At 245PM I collected myself and caught the 6 to the 4,5 to the A (reading my book all the while) and met up with Nicole at her apartment in Bed Sty Brooklyn. I arrived at 345 after a series of poor connections. We hung out and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. Eventually Rustam and Adam and then Dave and Charlene came through. Nicole BBQ'd some chicken, burgers, sausage patties. Later Rustam picked up some steaks and corn.

We hung out on the patio until 10pm. I had great connections onthe way home, it took me about 1/2 hour door to door. I was very tired after arriving and went to bed at 1130.


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