Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Monday, November 7th 2005

I woke up at 7am for breakfast. I dressed and left for HCID arriving by 8am. I worked all day on the publication and some related support documents.

I took off at 245pm. I then walked to NYSC for a chest workout. I didn't really feel like going, but I was glad I did. I finished at 4pm and took the subway home.

When I got in I put some chicken in the oven, shaved, and then took a shower. I got out and relaxed, took out my chicken, and made some food. I sat around until 630 and then went to the bank on 86th and deposited some money.

I walked home, it was a nice night, and talked to my mom on the way. I read the news on the internet and then did some reading from books before falling asleep around 10pm.


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