Sunday, August 14, 2005

Saturday, August 13th 2005

I was up at 645am. I did a little cleanup and read the news online. I tried to go back to sleep unsuccesfully, and got up again at 830am. I had some breakfast chatted with R., we perused Craigslist.

I ate some chicken and dumplings (very good) at noon. I managed to get a few hours of spotty sleep after watching some television. I hope to get back into a regular pattern of rest soon.

I left the townhouse at 5pm after talking with James. I went back to my apartment and showered. It was very hot; my electric bill also came today and was much higher than usual. I'm gonna have to tone down my A/C usage.

At 6 I took the train to Jon's apartment at 85th. We walked over to 72nd and saw The Aristocrats a documentary about a 'filthy, vile, disgusting, and hilarious joke'. At 9pm we walked back to Jon's apartment.

Adam came by and hung out, Coles also showed up. At eleven we went out to a German bar where Jon and Adam got a gigantic beer served out of a boot. Benzigan and a friend of his showed up.

Around midnight Adam and I went to Gale Pub to meet up with Jon's friend Lauren, and 2 girls, one of whom was having her 20th birthday. They made us drink a lot. Jon came through and we stayed out until 4am and then hung out at Jon's apartment. I left at 430 and took the subway home. I had a small meal and was in bed by 5am.


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