Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wednesday, October 19th 2005

I woke up at 715am and dressed for work. I was ready to leave when I noticed a text message from BRJ asking me to come in at 1130am. I did some work from home until 1130am when I headed in.

When I got to the HCID offices I continued doing the same database work I had been doing at home. I talked to Brett on the telephone and sent out some documents for him. At 230pm I left for NYSC and had a good back workout.

I faxed a tax filing and and returned home around 4 for a shower and some food. I took a nap and did some reading; I went to Duane Reade on 106th and stocked up on toilet paper and paper towels. At 825 I went to Adam's house for a few hours. I left at 1030 and came home. I finished Slaughterhouse 5 and went to sleep.


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