Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, April 25th 2005

I got up at 815 and made a good breakfast. I performed my typical morning rituals and then left with my laundry for HCID. I arrived at 930.

I met a new part time employee today, Maria-Jose. Brett has a knack for finding the *finest* help this city has to offer. I taught MJ how to use the FileMaker database and a slew of other tasks surrounding the upcoming charity Polo Match.

I redesigned a few of the press kits we will be sending out using Illustrator. We are in the process of changing the name of the event to the "Ivy Cup". I wrote a bunch of emails and at 2PM delivered some card stock and addresses to an associate of the Charity who is helping us with printing tasks. After returning from her office at 50th and Broadway I worked on the MicroCap database and listened to This American Life.

I finished up my laundry and left for home at 515. When I got home I folded my clothes and took a shower. I left to meet up with Rustam and Jill at 645. They were hanging out at 109th, we watched the Celtics. I left around 9. I stopped in at a grocery store on 110th and Broadway and purchased some overpriced food.

I took a car back, it smelled like my old Continental...a mixture of B.O. and the perfume my grandmother once wore. That odor never left the car. When I got home I ate and watched an episode of Deadwood. I have viewed the first nine episodes, I think it rivals the Sopranos in quality. I went to sleep around midnight.


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