Sunday, December 11, 2005

Week Ended 12/11/05

A pretty standard week by all accounts. At HCID we have been sending out packages in the hopes that we will sign up some members. On Thursday we got an investor to put down a substantial amount of cash without giving up too much equity. This should allow us to fund a few bigger projects in the next few months.

On Friday I attended a holiday dinner/502 park work 'reunion'. It was supposed to be at MR. K's but due to reserrvations difficulties was at The Broadway Diner. I was happy to be included in the festivities; it was a lot of fun seeing everybody at the old job. I miss the laid back environment and good company. Molly, James, Marla, Rachel, Simon, Shelly, Rosalinda, Rosario, CK and BK presided.

On Saturday I met up with Adam at his place after getting some socks in Union Square. We walked down to 38th and met up with Nicole at a bar. We then it up an apartment party on 35th and 3rd hosted by Manu (from Barnard days). Mimi showed up, it was a good time.

Sunday I met up with RM at 59th. We went down to Union Square and saw 'Shopgirl' at 430. We had some dinner afterwards at Whole Foods.

I did my usual 3 day split, strong back day on Thursdsay. Also 2 days of rowing on the erg, 30 minutes today for 7500m.

Happy Birthday Aunt Janie.


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