Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wednesday, August 17th 2005

I was up at 8am for breakfast and an hour of morning relaxation. I took my time reading and listening to the news. I left for HCID arriving by 925am. Most of my morning was devoted to sending out letters to sponsor candidates for the resource section of the database. I did a few other small things; I left at 1pm.

I went to LensCrafters at the spur of the moment for an eye exam so I could order new contact lenses. They charged me a lot of money and did nothing. I went to my barbershop on the way home; my usual guy wasn't in so I settled for a crappy haircut by one of the younger kids in the shop (what part of don't shave my entire head do they not understand??)

I showered and collected my laundry. I had to return to LensCrafters to get my eyes checked with my contact lenses in. At 4pm I took a bus to the townhouse. I was early so I dropped off my laundry and walked back and forth to the park.

I chatted with James on my return before he left. I sat around on the computer. At 630 Rachel came over. We went to the Food Emporium and got some steak and materials for shish kabobs. We grilled on the back patio. After dinner we hung out, watched an episode of Deadwood, stayed up too late.


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