Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday, September 25th 2005

I awoke feeling rested at 11am. I ate a hearty breakfast and sat around my apartment. At 1pm I went down to 86th and met up with Jon S. at his apartment.

On the way over I saw a group of eight year olds breakdancing on the train. It was very impressive. On the way out of the station I bought an unactivated 30-day metrocard from a crackhead for thirty bucks! What more can you ask for.

Jon and I took a walk down Madison and into Central Park. We hung out at the reservoir for about an hour. We got some food at the supermarket and had lunch at his place.

We watched 'Constantine' which was incredibly corny on the new big screen tv Caveman purchased. I stayed at 212 E85th until 7 and then took the bus home.

When I got home I took a shower and made some food. I took care of some business and went to bed after doing some reading around 1130pm.


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