Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Wednesday, June 29th 2005

I had a great night's rest and woke up at 8am. I made breakfast and walked to work while I spoke with my mom. I arrived at 930.

I met with Brett in the morning and then made some changes to the proposal for potential companies. I then met with Brett again and started working on a proposal for resources. As part of this I investigated some human resource companies that would be good to approach. I added them to the database.

I left HCID at 115pm and rode 15 miles on a bike. I went home and ate and showered. I then took the six train to 51st and met up with Derek and Goat at their new place on 52nd and 1st. I picked them up some cheese at a cheese store (Brie). I helped them move in for about an hour and then caught the train at 59th. It was raining at the time.

I got into the Townhouse at 445. I spoke to CK and faxed some documents to him. I didn't do too much today. Watched 60 mintues, ate a bunch of cereal (I'm defrosting a turkey for tomorrow), washed some clothes, chatted on IM, and did a bit of reading.

I went to bed around 11pm.


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