Saturday, September 03, 2005

Friday, September 2nd 2005

I was up at 830 and at work by 930. Maegan, myself and Mike (helps out sometime with tech stuff) were in the office. I stayed until 330 working on a number of projects including the expansion of our circulation database.

After work I stopped by NYSC and made a half assed attempt at some cycling. I didn't have it in my and only squeeked by with twenty minutes worth and some light lifting. I went home and showered and then proceeded to sit around for about two hours.

At 8pm I took the train to Adam's apartment. Dave and Azaam were there. We hung out, I enjoyed a "Ballin' Coors". Nicole and Charlene came over around 10pm.

At 11 we piled into a minivan cab and went to Ed and Tara's apartment in Chelsea. Rustam and Jill were there as well as Kirubel and his friend Steve. It was a decent 'dinner party'. We took a cab to Avenue C and 9th at 130 and hit up an NYU roof party. We stayed there for a few minutes and then walked over to Avenue A. Our crew had grown substantially--maneuvering was difficult.

I left at 3am and made it home by 4am. After a snack I went to sleep.


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